We’re by your side for every trade, combining lightning-fast execution speeds, low competitive spreads and no commissions on withdrawals and deposits. We understand the importance of reliable guidance in the dynamic world of trading. Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge, tools, and support necessary to make informed decisions and achieve success in every trade.
InvestingFF is a project created by Ever Financial AD (former Financial House Ever AD), a company with a 30-year history in the financial markets. We are licensed to offer services within the EU/EEA, as well as in third party countries. In 2009, our company launched the Trading212.com trading platform on the financial markets, which over the years has become one of the most recognizable and largest platforms in the EU and UK. In 2011, we spun off Trading212.com into an independent company. Until the end of 2014, Ever Financial AD (former Financial House Ever AD) continued to be the sole provider of liquidity for Trading212.com.
Nowadays, Ever Financial AD offers a new trading platform which is provided on the website investingff.com and aims to repeat once again the success of Trading212.com.
It’s quick and easy to get started – even with a small deposit.